GeneChaser: identifying all biological and clinical conditions in which genes of interest are differentially expressed.

BACKGROUND: The amount of gene expression data in the public repositories, such as NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) has grown exponentially, and provides a gold mine for bioinformaticians, but has not been easily accessible by biologists and clinicians. RESULTS: We developed an automated approach to annotate and analyze all GEO data sets, including 1,515 GEO data sets from 231 microarray types across 42 species, and performed 12,658 group...

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Ontology-driven indexing of public datasets for translational bioinformatics.

The volume of publicly available genomic scale data is increasing. Genomic datasets in public repositories are annotated with free-text fields describing the pathological state of the studied sample. These annotations are not mapped to concepts in any ontology, making it difficult to integrate these datasets across repositories. We have previously developed methods to map text-annotations of tissue microarrays to concepts in the NCI thesaurus...

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Finding disease-related genomic experiments within an international repository: first steps in translational bioinformatics.

The amount of gene expression data in international repositories has grown exponentially. An important first step in translating the results of genomic experiments into medicine is to relate these genomic experiments to the human diseases they have studied. Unfortunately, repositories for expression data store the crucial annotative details only as free-text, making it manually intractable to link these with human disease. In this study, we...

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Performance comparison of exome DNA sequencing technologies.

Whole exome sequencing by high-throughput sequencing of target-enriched genomic DNA (exome-seq) has become common in basic and translational research as a means of interrogating the interpretable part of the human genome at relatively low cost. We present a comparison of three major commercial exome sequencing platforms from Agilent, Illumina and Nimblegen applied to the same human blood sample. Our results suggest that the Nimblegen platform,...

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A comprehensive assessment of RNA-seq accuracy, reproducibility and information content by the Sequencing Quality Control Consortium.

SEQC/MAQC-III Consortium.ย A comprehensive assessment of RNA-seq accuracy, reproducibility and information content by the Sequencing Quality Control Consortium.ย Nat Biotechnol.ย 2014 Sep;32(9):903-14. doi: 10.1038/nbt.2957. PMID:25150838ย ย Dr.ย Rong Chen is in SEQC consortium. Here is the paperย SEQC_NatBiotech. Abstract We present primary results from the Sequencing Quality Control (SEQC)...

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