Disease-associated variants in different categories of disease located in distinct regulatory elements

Background The invention of high throughput sequencing technologies has led to the discoveries of hundreds of thousands of genetic variants associated with thousands of human diseases. Many of these genetic variants are located outside the protein coding regions, and as such, it is challenging to interpret the function of these genetic variants by traditional genetic approaches. Recent genome-wide functional genomics studies, such as FANTOM5...

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ClinLabGeneticist: a tool for clinical management of genetic variants from whole exome sequencing in clinical genetic laboratories

Routine clinical application of whole exome sequencing remains challenging due to difficulties in variant interpretation, large dataset management and workflow integration. We describe a tool named ClinLabGeneticist to implement a workflow in clinical laboratories for management of variant assessment in genetic testing and disease diagnosis. We established an extensive variant annotation data source for the identification of pathogenic...

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Mutations in NGLY1 cause an inherited disorder of the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation pathway.

PURPOSE: The endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation pathway is responsible for the translocation of misfolded proteins across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane into the cytosol for subsequent degradation by the proteasome. To define the phenotype associated with a novel inherited disorder of cytosolic endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation pathway dysfunction, we studied a series of eight patients with deficiency of N-glycanase 1....

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Personalized medicine and cardiovascular disease: from genome to bedside.

Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the developed world despite advances in cardiac care over the last few decades. Although most of these advances in cardiovascular medicine have been made through trials of therapies on a population scale, the success of such therapies in a patient often is dependent on particular aspects of each individual. In this review, we present the evidence for the impact...

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