Docking unbound proteins using shape complementarity, desolvation, and electorstatics.

A comprehensive docking study was performed on 27 distinct protein-protein complexes. For 13 test systems, docking was performed with the unbound X-ray structures of both the receptor and the ligand. For the remaining systems, the unbound X-ray structure of only molecule was available; therefore the bound structure for the other molecule was used. Our method optimizes desolvation, shape complementarity, and electrostatics using a Fast Fourier...

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Matching cancer genomes to established cell lines for personalized oncology.

The diagnosis and treatment of cancers, which rank among the leading causes of mortality in developed nations, presents substantial clinical challenges. The genetic and epigenetic heterogeneity of tumors can lead to differential response to therapy and gross disparities in patient outcomes, even for tumors originating from similar tissues. High-throughput DNA sequencing technologies hold promise to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancers...

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Content-based microarray search using differential expression profiles.

BACKGROUND: With the expansion of public repositories such as the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), we are rapidly cataloging cellular transcriptional responses to diverse experimental conditions. Methods that query these repositories based on gene expression content, rather than textual annotations, may enable more effective experiment retrieval as well as the discovery of novel associations between drugs, diseases, and other perturbations....

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Validation of Hepascore, compared to simple indices of fibrosis, in US patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection.

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Biomarkers are being developed as alternatives to liver biopsy for predicting liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Hepascore uses noninvasive serum markers and has been validated in Australian and European populations for predicting different degrees of fibrosis. This study validated this test in a U.S. population. METHODS: Patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection were assigned to training (n =...

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Translational Bioinformatics in the cloud: an affordable alternative.

With the continued exponential expansion of publicly available genomic data and access to low-cost, high-throughput molecular technologies for profiling patient populations, computational technologies and informatics are becoming vital considerations in genomic medicine. Although cloud computing technology is being heralded as a key enabling technology for the future of genomic research, available case studies are limited to applications in the...

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