Protein-protein docking benchmark 2.0: an update.

We present a new version of the Protein-Protein Docking Benchmark, reconstructed from the bottom up to include more complexes, particularly focusing on more unbound-unbound test cases. SCOP (Structural Classification of Proteins) was used to assess redundancy between the complexes in this version. The new benchmark consists of 72 unbound-unbound cases, with 52 rigid-body cases, 13 medium-difficulty cases, and 7 high-difficulty cases with...

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ZDOCK predictions for the CAPRI challenge.

The CAPRI Challenge is a blind test of protein-protein-docking algorithms that predict the complex structure from the crystal structures of the interacting proteins. We participated in both rounds of this blind test and submitted predictions for all seven targets, relying mainly on our Fast Fourier Transform based algorithm ZDOCK that combines shape complementarity, desolvation, and electrostatics. Our group made good predictions for three...

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A protein-protein docking benchmark.

We have developed a nonredundant benchmark for testing protein-protein docking algorithms. Currently it contains 59 test cases: 22 enzyme-inhibitor complexes, 19 antibody-antigen complexes, 11 other complexes, and 7 difficult test cases. Thirty-one of the test cases, for which the unbound structures of both the receptor and ligand are available, are classified as follows: 16 enzyme-inhibitor, 5 antibody-antigen, 5 others, and 5 difficult. Such...

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Purification and characterization of trichomaglin-a novel ribosomal-inactivating protein with abortificient activity.

Trichomaglin, a novel ribosome-inactivating protein, has been isolated from root tuber of a plant Maganlin (Trichosanthes Lepiniate, Cucurbitaceae). The isolation and purification procedure included ammonium sulfate precipitation, Sephadex G-75 chromatography and CM-Sephadex C-50 chromatography. The protein was identified to be homogeneous by SDS-PAGE and FPLC analysis. Its molecular weight is 24,673 dalton and isoelectric point is 5.8,...

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A novel shape complementarity scoring function for protein-protein docking.

Shape complementarity is the most basic ingredient of the scoring functions for protein-protein docking. Most grid-based docking algorithms use the total number of grid points at the binding interface to quantify shape complementarity. We have developed a novel Pairwise Shape Complementarity (PSC) function that is conceptually simple and rapid to compute. The favorable component of PSC is the total number of atom pairs between the receptor and...

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