
Location and direction Our office locates at 333 Ludlow Street Stamford CT 06902. It is easy to take exit 8 ย from I-95 and drive to Canel street, our office is the at the end of Canel street. If you take Metro North, get off at Stamford station, there is a 333 Ludlow street shuttle. In the morning shuttles run starting at 7 AM between the Stamford train station and 333 Ludlow St.ย  From 10 AM until 2:30 PM and again from 8 PM to 10:30 PM they...

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Non-synonymous and synonymous coding SNPs show similar likelihood and effect size of human disease association.

Many DNA variants have been identified on more than 300 diseases and traits using Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWASs). Some have been validated using deep sequencing, but many fewer have been validated functionally, primarily focused on non-synonymous coding SNPs (nsSNPs). It is an open question whether synonymous coding SNPs (sSNPs) and other non-coding SNPs can lead to as high odds ratios as nsSNPs. We conducted a broad survey across...

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ZDOCK and RDOCK performance in CAPRI rounds 3, 4, and 5.

We present an evaluation of the results of our ZDOCK and RDOCK algorithms in Rounds 3, 4, and 5 of the protein docking challenge CAPRI. ZDOCK is a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)-based, initial-stage rigid-body docking algorithm, and RDOCK is an energy minimization algorithm for refining and reranking ZDOCK results. Of the 9 targets for which we submitted predictions, we attained at least acceptable accuracy for 7, at least medium accuracy for 6,...

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ZDOCK: an initial-stage protein-docking algorithm.

The development of scoring functions is of great importance to protein docking. Here we present a new scoring function for the initial stage of unbound docking. It combines our recently developed pairwise shape complementarity with desolvation and electrostatics. We compare this scoring function with three other functions on a large benchmark of 49 nonredundant test cases and show its superior performance, especially for the antibody-antigen...

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RDOCK: refinement of rigid-body protein docking predictions.

We present a simple and effective algorithm RDOCK for refining unbound predictions generated by a rigid-body docking algorithm ZDOCK, which has been developed earlier by our group. The main component of RDOCK is a three-stage energy minimization scheme, followed by the evaluation of electrostatic and desolvation energies. Ionic side chains are kept neutral in the first two stages of minimization, and reverted to their full charge states in the...

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